Dalyellup driveway vigil on Anzac Day to honour those who served

After hearing the official Anzac Day ceremonies were cancelled, a Dalyellup resident organised her own driveway remembrance.
At 6am on Saturday, April 25, participating Dalyellup residents will stand at the end of their driveways with a speaker or their phones to play The Last Post and commemorate the Anzacs.
Carmen Kurten said she organised the event after hearing about the RSL Queensland’s idea for people to have a minute of silence at the end of their driveways.
I thought well The Last Post always makes me really choked up, so I thought how about everyone at the same time plays The Last Post.
Mrs Kurten took to the Dalyellup Residents Facebook page to ask if anyone would mind if she played The Last Post and people expressed their interest to join.
“I don’t expect anyone to hire a PA system and blast the entire neighbourhood,” she joked. “But I was just thinking phones on full volume or your little bluetooth speaker.
“Some people were a bit anti like ‘you’ll wake up my children’ but I don’t expect it to blast the neighbourhood.”
Mrs Kurten said her grandmother was a nurse in North Africa and her grandfather a pilot in the RAF, so she wanted to acknowledge her connections to the war.
“I think it also means things for different people,” Mrs Kurten said.
“We don’t have the choice of going and showing our public solidarity and remembrance, so this is a way of remembering.
“Imagine if everybody did it — it would be great.”
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