What’s on: Bunbury community diary
Eco Fair
Leschenault Community Nursery is hosting an Eco Fair on Saturday from 9am to 3pm. Head along to this free event for the family, with a line-up of workshops and activities including a possum drey workshop, watch your waste and creating a bee friendly garden workshop, along with a range of kids activities. If you are interested in holding a market stall, contact manager@leschenaultcommunitynursery.com.au.
Learn to play canasta
Canasta is an easy to learn and scorecard game for two or four players that is both intriguing and fun to play. Outwit your partner with the “wild” two, or rack up your score with that red three. One session is offered on September 21 from 12.30pm at the Bunbury Women’s Club, 19 Prinsep Street, Bunbury. Cost is $5 and includes afternoon tea. For more information, contact Lesley on 0417 181 551.
Retirees to meet
The Association of Independent and Semi-Independent Retirees meet on the fourth Tuesday of the month at St Augustine’s Uniting Church, Mangles Street, Bunbury. The next meeting is at 2pm on September 22. Sandra Finnerty, from Niagra Therapy, will be the guest speaker — afternoon tea will follow. For more information, contact Richard on 0429 342 222.
Training for treasurers
Volunteer South West is running an online training workshop for volunteers and NFP organisations on the role and responsibility of treasurers. The workshop will cover constitutional and reporting requirements, dealing with the division of duties/conflicts, reading reports and financial management, preparing board reports and auditor requirements. It will be held on Tuesday, September 22 from 9.30am to 11.30am. For more information, contact Terri on 9791 3214 or email training@volunteersouthwest.org.au.
Bunbury city band meeting
Bunbury City Band is holding its Annual General Meeting on September 23 at 7.30pm at the band room on Cobblestone Drive.
Love Letters by by A. R. Gurney will be performed at the Little Theatre, Pratt Road Eaton at 7pm on Saturday, September 26 and 2pm Sunday, September 27 .
This is a romantic drama, which has recently been performed in Perth and received excellent reviews. Tickets are $25 (adults) and $20 (concession) are available from www.bunburyrepertory.org.au and at door (if not sold out). Tickets are limited due to COVID restrictions so bookings are highly recommended.
Rail open day
The South West Rail and Heritage Centre, Turner street, Boyanup is having an open day on Sunday, September 27. Capel Men’s Shed will have items for sale which have been made by the men on their regular meeting days which are Wednesday and Saturday. They will also have some old tools for sale. On entering the centre you will see the South West Model Railway Club operating, with the Boyanup Foundation Blacksmith’s making interesting items and the Preston River Old Machinery Group will have their stationary engines chugging away. The centre has a new opening time starting at 9.00am to 2.00pm.
Burnout workshop
Are your volunteers feeling “volunteer fatigue”? Are they close to burnout? Volunteer South West is running a free online training workshop for volunteer managers on reducing volunteer burnout on Wednesday, September 30 from 6.30pm to 7.30pm. Register at https://avoidtheburn.eventbrite.com.au or for more information, contact Terri Kowal on 9791 3214 or email training@volunteersouthwest.org.au.
Bunbury Rotary quiz night
The Bunbury Rotary Club is holding its charity quiz night on October 9 at 6.30pm at the South West Italian Club.
Annual fete
Bethanie Fields Village Eaton is hosting its annual fete on Saturday, October 10 from 8am to 12pm in the club house. All are welcome — visitors must adhere to COVID-19 rulings and use the sanitiser provided.
Volunteer positions
Do you have spare time on your hands? Why not volunteer? There’s several positions available, including computer gaming tutor for seniors, kitchen/canteen assistants for sporting clubs, Czech-speaking male companion for regular visits to an elderly gentleman, weekend excursion drivers, car cleaner, grant writer and more. If interested, contact Volunteer South West on 9791 3214, visit www.volunteersouthwest.org.au and send through an expression of interest or come into the office at 99 Victoria Street, Bunbury.
Bunbury Men of Song
A new and exciting musical opportunity awaits you, you’re invited to come along to Bunbury Men of Song’s ‘join the choir’ Monday rehearsal nights at St Augustine's Uniting Church, Mangles Street, Bunbury at 7.00 pm. Get those vocal chords working with one of Australia’s premier male voice choirs and get ready to sing at our post-COVID concerts planned for the coming months. Learn as you go with one of the best musical directors in the State. For an experience you never forget, come along now. To book in or for more information, contact Don on 0437 000 205.
Nursery help needed
If you enjoy gardening and landscaping, volunteer who can perform general maintenance duties including building fences, reticulation, and garden maintenance are in demand. Must be physically fit and experience working with tools essential. If interested, contact Volunteer South West on 9791 3214, visit www.volunteersouthwest.org.au and send through an expression of interest or come into the office at 99 Victoria Street, Bunbury.
Board secretary needed
Volunteer South West is looking for someone to attend six weekly board meetings, accurately capture minutes, coordinate timely completion and despatch of board documents, maintain and ensure timely filing of statutory returns and notifications. Some board experience is preferred. If interested, contact Volunteer South West on 9791 3214, visit www.volunteersouthwest.org.au and send through an expression of interest or come into the office at 99 Victoria Street, Bunbury.
Dragon boating
Forza Dragon Boat Club is running “have a go” days at 10.30am on Sunday and October 4 from their Cobblestone Drive headquarters in Bunbury. Men and women aged 16 to 60 are welcome. Dragon Boating WA is also hosting the Australian Nationals and Masters Games in Perth in 2021. For more information, contact John on 0429 888 565.
Pickleball for beginners
Pickleball sessions take place every Saturday at 9.30am and every Wednesday at 1pm at the Bunbury Badminton Centre, with your first two visits for free. For more information, contact Jan Morgan on 0409 080 657.
Op shop is open
Bonnie’s Op Shop in Bunbury is open Monday to Saturday from 10am to 4pm. The shop continues to serve the community with good quality second hand clothing, furniture, household goods and assistance to local welfare agencies. If you would like to join the team of volunteers call into the shop, at 61 Albert Road or contact 0466 858 344. No matter what your capacity, your help will be appreciated. Look for the red flag.
Grow South West
Are you looking for support for your mental health or with life's challenges? Grow is a community-based national organisation with more than 60 years of experience in developing a unique program for improving and maintaining mental health. Our program is based on lived experience meaning Grow Groups are a meeting of peers, made up of people who are striving to develop and maintain good mental health. Grow meetings are free-of-charge, anonymous and everyone over 18 is welcome. Bunbury groups meet Mondays 5.30pm to 7.30pm via Zoom, Wednesdays 6.00pm to 8.00pm at CWA Hall, Wellington Street and Thursdays 10am to 12noon (September 17, October 1, 15, 19) at Bunbury Library with alternate weeks (September 24, October 22) via Zoom. For more information, contact Emma Blackwell via emma.blackwell@grow.org.au or Lozz Williams via lwilliamssouthwest@hotmail.com.
Op shop open
St Elizabeth Op Shop in Little Street, Carey Park, is back in action and open Wednesday to Friday from 9am to 1pm. It provides low-cost clothing and household goods, with something to offer all.
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