Australind roadworks approved

Harvey Shire Council has looked to a Perth suburb for inspiration to solve traffic safety concerns along Paris Road.
Roadworks and improvements to the tune of $75,000 will help address congestion and safety issues on Paris Road between Old Coast Road and Mulgara Street.
A report to the council outlined how the measures were similar to the City of Vincent’s solutions on Scarborough Beach Road in Mount Hawthorn, which included bus-friendly speed humps, pedestrian refuges and lower speed limits.
On Tuesday the council voted in favour of the proposed safety improvements and can now apply to Main Roads to reduce the speed limit in the area to 40kmh.
In June last year residents raised concerns about the area, highlighting the risk to people with gophers, walkers with shopping trolleys, children and adults when crossing the section of road near the Ridley Place Foreshore and Australind Village shopping centre.
In December the council voted to conduct a trial restricting traffic to left-turn only at exits onto Paris Road. The trial began in April and remains in place, but will become one of the permanent solutions the council voted in.
The proposed traffic safety improvements are estimated to cost $75,000.
Funding of $95,000 was made available for the project in the 2019-2020 budget.
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