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Harvey-Waroona Reporter

President of the Brunswick Red Cross, Judy Talbot, with Regional Red Cross representative Ron Withnell and President of the Harvey Red Cross, Jan Willmot.
Camera IconPresident of the Brunswick Red Cross, Judy Talbot, with Regional Red Cross representative Ron Withnell and President of the Harvey Red Cross, Jan Willmot. Credit: Pictures: Nicolette Barbas

Units celebrate with lunch

Headshot of Nicolette Barbas
Nicolette BarbasHarvey-Waroona Reporter
Nina Yntema and Lisa Pinelli, both of Australind.

Nina Yntema and Lisa Pinelli, both of Australind.

President of the Brunswick Red Cross, Judy Talbot, with Regional Red Cross representative Ron Withnell and President of the Harvey Red Cross, Jan Willmot.

President of the Brunswick Red Cross, Judy Talbot, with Regional Red Cross representative Ron Withnell and President of the Harvey Red Cross, Jan Willmot. Picture: Pictures: Nicolette Barbas

Grace Tartalia, of Benger, with Connie Warburton, of Brunswick.

Grace Tartalia, of Benger, with Connie Warburton, of Brunswick.

Stella Watson and Joan Fry, both of Brunswick.

Stella Watson and Joan Fry, both of Brunswick.

Judy Reeve, of Brunswick, and Pierina Frisina, of Benger.

Judy Reeve, of Brunswick, and Pierina Frisina, of Benger. Picture: Nicolette Barbas

Angie Mosca and Gloria Rossi, both of Brunswick.

Angie Mosca and Gloria Rossi, both of Brunswick.