What’s on: Bunbury community notices

Do you have a community notice to submit? Contact editor@swtimes.com.au.
Community party
Morrissey is holding its 35th birthday celebrations at the Graham Bricknell Memorial Music Shell on Friday from 2pm to 8pm. The day will see live entertainment, food vans, free face painting and glitter tattoos, market stalls and more. For more information, contact 9725 4699.
Bunbury Rotary quiz night
The Bunbury Rotary Club is holding its charity quiz night on Friday at 6.30pm at the South West Italian Club.
Astronomy open night
The Astronomical Society of the South West will be holding open astronomy nights for the public at its observatory, Keble Heights over the weekend. The observatory will be open from Friday to Sunday from 7.30pm to 9.30pm each night. This time the group is featuring Jupiter and Saturn, plus nebulas, star clusters, and other objects in the southern skies. Bookings are essential.
Annual fete
Bethanie Fields Village Eaton is hosting its annual fete on Saturday, October 10 from 8am to 12pm in the club house. All are welcome — visitors must adhere to COVID-19 rulings and use the sanitiser provided.
Men’s shed sale
Need some workshop or garden tool, kitchen ware, bags of firewood, recycled bikes, toys, books, garden plants, or just some quirky gadget? You’ll be welcome to drop by for a browse at the Bunbury Men’s Shed clearance sale at its Frankel St, Carey annex on Saturday 8.30am to 12.30pm. The friendly shed members will be waiting to guide you through the knick-knacks lurking on the shelves and hidden in the shed’s nooks and crannies.
Bunbury Men of Song
A new and exciting musical opportunity awaits! You are invited to Bunbury Men of Song’s “join the choir” Monday rehearsal nights at St Augustine's Uniting Church, Mangles Street, Bunbury at 7pm. Get those vocal chords working with one of Australia’s premier male voice choirs and get ready to sing at our post-COVID concerts planned for the coming months. To book in or for more information, contact Don on 0437 000 205.
Volunteer positions
Are you interested in volunteering? Perhaps one of these positions might be for you. Kitchen/canteen assistant for a local sporting club, Czech-speaking male companion for regular visits to an elderly gentlemen, weekend excursion drivers, secretary on board of management, community visitor to provide companionship to aged-care residents. If interested, phone Volunteer South West on 9791 3214, check out our website www.volunteersouthwest.org.au and send through an expression of interest, or visit the office at 99 Victoria Street, Bunbury.
Pickleball for beginners
Pickleball sessions take place every Saturday at 9.30am and every Wednesday at 1pm at the Bunbury Badminton Centre, with your first two visits for free. For more information, contact Jan Morgan on 0409 080 657.
Serving the community
Bonnie’s Op Shop in Bunbury is open Monday to Saturday from 10am to 4pm. The shop continues to serve the community with good quality second hand clothing, furniture, household goods and assistance to local welfare agencies. If you would like to join the team of volunteers call into the shop, at 61 Albert Road or contact 0466 858 344. No matter what your capacity, your help will be appreciated. Look for the red flag.
Grow South West
Are you looking for support for your mental health or with life's challenges? Grow is a community-based national organisation with more than 60 years of experience in developing a unique program for improving and maintaining mental health. The program is based on lived experience meaning Grow Groups are a meeting of peers, made up of people who are striving to develop and maintain good mental health. Grow meetings are free-of-charge, anonymous and everyone over 18 is welcome. Bunbury groups meet Mondays 5.30pm to 7.30pm via Zoom, Wednesdays 6pm to 8pm and Thursdays 10am to 12pm at CWA Hall weekly. For more information, contact Emma Blackwell via emma.blackwell@grow.org.au or Lozz Williams via lwilliamssouthwest@hotmail.com.
Bunbury social singles
This is an informal group of like minded singles, aged 55 to 70 years. The group meets weekly for coffee and a chat at 1pm each Sunday at various venues which change monthly. There are also other outings and events depending on group interest. For more information, contact Jeanette on 9721 5373 or 0497 205 789.
Play croquet
Moorabinda Croquet Clubinvites anyone interested in learning to play croquet to come along to the Club at 16 Wimbledon Way, Hay Park (the road into the South West Sports Centre from Parade Road). The club is there on Tuesdays from 9.45am, Wednesdays from 8.45am, Wednesday evenings from 6.15pm, Thursdays at 8am and Saturday afternoons at 1.45pm. Croquet is easy to learn and all equipment is supplied by the Club. You just need to turn up wearing comfortable clothing and flat-soled shoes and you will be made very welcome by the friendly club members. Playing croquet is a good way to exercise in the fresh air and meet new people. For more information, contact Rob on 0412 026 188 or John on 0435 020 306.
Op shop open
St Elizabeth Op Shop in Little Street, Carey Park, is back in action and open Wednesday to Friday from 9am to 1pm. It provides low-cost clothing and household goods, with something to offer all.
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